Hoferer Named Faculty Senate Chair

September 18, 2020

Briar Cliff University is excited to announce Dr. David Hoferer as chair of the faculty senate and Dr. Anasara Henryas the chair-elect for the upcoming school year. 

The faculty senate consists of faculty leaders charged to represent Briar Cliff University faculty. The group leads efforts in shared governance, policy, and academic needs for the University. 

Dr. Hoferer has been a biology professor at BCU since 2016. He holds his Bachelor of Arts in Biology from Drake University. For his doctoral dissertation from the University of Wisconsin Madison, he combined his ecological and ethical knowledge to study and revive the town of Dunn., Wisconsin.  

Dr. Henry came to Briar Cliff in the fall of 2017. She holds her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing, Nurse Practitioner degree in Adult Geriatric, and Doctorate of Nursing Practice from the University of Iowa. She focused her studies in geriatrics and chronic disease management, receiving recognition for her expertise in malnutrition management, end-stage Parkinson’s disease and dementia. 

Dr. Henry will assume the role of faculty chair in 2021-2022 academic school year. 


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