Choosing a Major is a Big Decision

June 15, 2023

But it is not always a final decision. 

Between financial aid and scholarship requirements, and the pressure to graduate "on time", the admissions process and registration experience can sometimes make a person feel cornered. Incoming or current students, like you, may feel rushed into making what feels like a lifetime decision before you are ready, but you are not alone! 

Not ready to declare a program or major? 

In fact, did you know that it is estimated that 20-50% of college students enter their first year undeclared? That right! The pressure to declare a major feels heavy when you are registering for classes, but you have options!

At liberal arts institutions, like Briar Cliff University, students have the option to declare a Liberal Arts major. The Liberal Arts program like this provides a broad, liberal education and allows for flexibility in planning. It is the foundation of every degree available at Briar Cliff, and is a great starting place for students that are undecided.

Not sure if you declared the right program or major?

College is full of self discovery and growth. For many young adults, it is the first taste for freedom, independence, and responsibility. With all the life change that happens during your college years, doubt is normal and changing your mind is normal. So normal in fact, that almost 75% of students nationwide change their program or major at least once during their college career.

If you are confident in your direction, that is great! If you are unsure about your program or major, that is great too! University resources, like Briar Cliff University's Compass and TRIOare here to help student navigate their options, interests, and concerns to guide you in the right direction for you. 

Would you like to have flexibility in your future career? 

A major or program choice does not have to be a life sentence. The average career length for a person in the United States is 50 years, that's a long time. This is not true for every industry or profession, but more and more jobs are requiring degree levels and experiences - instead of a specific major. What does this mean for you? You can choose a major or program that will allow you flexibility in your future if that is something you want. 

No matter what major or program you choose, Briar Cliff offers Career Development to help you find the internships and jobs to navigate the perfect place to start your career experience.

You Have Options. 

Yes, choosing your program or major is a big decision, but it isn't the only decision. There is flexibility and opportunities available to you at every stage of your education and professional career. Take a deep breath, and have fun exploring your options.

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