WITCC and BCU representatives signing Articulation Agre

Briar Cliff signs articulation agreement with Western Iowa Tech Community College

February 28, 2022

Briar Cliff University has signed an articulation agreement with Western Iowa Tech Community College (WITCC), allowing students with an Associate of Arts degree at WITCC to conveniently pursue a Bachelor of Arts in Behavior Analysis and Psychology at Briar Cliff University.

Students enrolled in this special “2+2” program will complete their Associate of Arts at WITCC and Bachelor of Arts in both Behavior Analysis and Psychology, giving them the upper hand they need to appeal to future employers and meet the needs of our community.

Students will also receive hands-on experience within the community, including Briar Cliff’s Pro Bono Behavior Analysis Clinic. The clinic provides a variety of behavior analytic services to underserved populations and serves as a valuable field learning opportunity for undergraduate students.

"We are excited about this agreement for two main reasons. The first of which is that it will really expand educational opportunities for students in, around, and beyond the Siouxland area with these two really important and impactful disciplines for HelpCare™ and Mental Health Care,” says Dr. Mike Harman, Assistant Professor & Director of Pro Bono Behavior Analysis Clinic at Briar Cliff University. “Secondly, as a practicing behavior analyst, I'm most excited about this agreement and partnership is how it will help meet the ever-changing needs and demands of competent behavior analysts and mental health care professionals in the Siouxland area."

At Briar Cliff, HelpCare is at the forefront of what we do and what we teach our students. Throughout both pathways, within Psychology and Behavior Analysis, students will have the opportunity to make an impact and serve the community.

"We are looking forward to helping to foster this agreement and working with WITCC more on this great opportunity, not only for us, but for students and our community," adds Dr. Stephanie Bell, Chair of Psychology Department at Briar Cliff University.

The Behavior Analysis program at Briar Cliff University is designed with a course sequence that has been verified by the Association of Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) and the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB), providing students with the required coursework and practicum experience to qualify for credentialing at the Assistant Behavior Analysis (BCaBA).

Briar Cliff’s psychology program helps students explore the science behind behavioral, social, and cognitive processes, and how it applies to solving current issues such as violence, addiction, and mental illness. 

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