Social Work Accreditation

Program Purpose

The Briar Cliff University Social Work Program is based on the Franciscan tradition of service, caring and openness to all. It provides an “academically challenging curriculum that enables students to integrate and apply the knowledge, values, and skills of the social work profession in order to become competent baccalaureate generalist social workers who engage in ethical practice, with diverse client systems in a variety of settings and are committed to social and economic justice.” (CSWE Accreditation Reaffirmation, p. 82)

Program Objectives

The program at Briar Cliff University leading to the bachelor’s degree in social work seeks above all to provide a quality educational experience that meets the needs and aspirations of students who are oriented toward the profession of social work. The program is designed to develop a liberally-educated person with a generalist professional preparation in social work; thus graduates of Briar Cliff’s program have the knowledge, values, and skills that prepare them for entry level practice positions in social work and for graduate social work education.

Accreditation Information

The social work program at Briar Cliff has been continuously accredited by the Council on Social Work Education since 1974. The social work program is based on the Curriculum Policy Statement of the Council on Social Work Education. (cf. Appendix A) This accreditation, for example, enables graduates to both enter the Department of Human Services in the State of Iowa at a Social Worker II level and be accepted by many graduate schools with advanced standing.

Student Outcomes

Assessment of student learning outcomes.

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Social Work Handbook

This handbook serves as a guide for students in the Briar Cliff University Department of Social Work.

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NC SARA Professional Licensure Information
Briar Cliff University's Social Work program meets the requirements in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, and South Dakota. It is not determined for other states, but students can check here for contact information each state's licensing board. 


If you have further questions, don't hesitate to reach out. 

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